
Ottima agenzia. La titolare è una professionista seria, preparata, molto disponibile, con un’ottima conoscenza del mercato immobiliare locale. Mi ha seguita con grande competenza sia nella valutazione del valore dell’immobile che in tutti i passaggi legali e non della successiva vendita.

Chantal B.
February 24, 2023

It has been a true pleasure to work with Immowehner for the sale of my father’s home. First of all, the office is a full service agency, which has several advantages as you are supported by seasoned professionals throughout the sale process. Secondly, Immowehner is that rare combination of business know-how and personal touch with impeccable communication, always keeping my up to date with the latest developments. Last but not least, I had peace of mind knowing that I selected a real estate agency with professionals that are certified and therefore know all the minute details, are up to date with all the local laws and can guide me long-distance through the complex process.
I give Immowehner a 5 star review, but I would give more!

B. T.
May 5, 2023

Добрый день !!

Хочу выразить искреннюю благодарность агенству Immowehner  за проделанную работу!!!Честная работа, позитивный настрой,четкий план действий, высокий уровень профессионализма, умение анализировать и пользоваться информацией, настойчивость, индивидуальный подход и теплые деловые отношения к клиентам, максимальный учет пожеланий, умение просто и доходчиво объяснить сложные тонкости итальянского законодательства. Чрезвычайное чувство такта! Спасибо за Вашу работу, очень признательны за участие и помощь в решении других жизненных моментов проживания на итальянской территории . Две успешно проведенные сделки, последняя май 2023 года, все грамотно, четко и оперативно, а главное честно! Рекомендуем всем! Качество работы – по высшему разряду! Побольше бы таких профессионалов!
Буду рекомендовать!
September 19, 2023

I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Immowehner Agency for a top level professional support. A highly competent, friendly, multi-language speaking Team of the third-generation real estate Agency, creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence from the start. Being highly experienced and qualified subject matter experts in the area of real estate, they provide with a full range of expertise and guidance throughout the process. The Team remains available and responds promptly to any subject-related topic with a professional advice. A positive experience creates a high level of trust and long-lasting business partnership. My experience of working with Immowehner Agency goes above and beyond.

December 2, 2023

I’m really thankful to one of my friend that introduced me to ImmoWehner and helped me to take distance from an other realtor that wasn’t that professional …

Ursula was so professional on helping me during the purchase process and the settle down in Campione, and even now after one year she is still helping me out when I struggle. It seems all so simple when she takes care of things.

I really suggest anybody crossing this site, or searching for a real estate in Campione d’Italia to go straight to Immobiliare Wehner, they are THE BEST for Campione d’Italia.


Margarete S.
December 18, 2023

Ho contattato numerose agenzie e cosiddetti professionisti del settore, ma l’unica che mi ha dato fiducia ed aiutato a risolvere i miei problemi con un precedente acquisto presso un’altra cosiddetta “agenzia”, é stata l’Immobiliare Wehner. Altissima professionalità, competenza, disponibilità e molto altro ancora … Sicuramente il mio prossimo acquisto lo farò con loro.

Se potessi darei 10 stelle e più perché ampiamente meritate

GRAZIE ad Ursula ed Angela per l’aiuto

G. Dimitri
December 24, 2023

The team of “Immobiliare Wehner” is A M A Z I N G !

It’s the first time that I had so a nice and professional experience!

I highly recommend it to all of you that are looking for real estates in Campione d’Italia, they are realtors specialised in Campione since 3 generations.


January 22, 2024

Thank you, thank you, thanks you … to the moon & back!

You were so kind and professional that all was so easy with your help, and you know how complicated my situation was, right?

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart

Jessica P.
January 27, 2024

Thanks to Ursula & Angela for the excellent work!

B. Robinson
February 14, 2024

Immowehner is really the one and only I will rely on. They are the only real agency in town.

Be careful of those who say they are real estate agents when they are not! I had that experience and it was not pleasant!

Sonny B.
February 14, 2024

Ich kenne diese Agentur seit Jahrzehnten und habe mich aufgrund ihre Professionalität und Freundlichkeit immer nur auf sie verlassen.

B. F.
February 14, 2024

Thanks to the ImmoWehner team for their outstanding work. I can only say good about them, because they are really the best in town!

Olfert K.
February 22, 2024

Se cercate l’unica immobiliare in paese dovete rivolgervi alla Immobiliare Wehner. Professionisti sul campo da generazioni ed esclusivamente attivi  su Campione d’Italia. Sapranno guidarvi coi loro professionisti in ogni direzione vogliate andare.

P. Rossi
March 8, 2024

Ho contattato tante agenzie, ma la Immobiliare Wehner, mi ha conquistato con la sua chiarezza, professionalità ed onestà. La consiglio vivamente a chiunque stia cercando un’agenzia immobiliare a Campione d’Italia. Per me l’unica valida sulla piazza!

O. G.
March 25, 2024

I know Campione since many years. I have seen many realtors, and so called, coming and going in the last 40 years, but ImmoWehner is the only one that is in town since decades and has a crystal clear reputation. No other one can compare with them!

P. Cameron
April 12, 2024

I had the absolute pleasure of working with ImmoWehner, and I cannot recommend them highly enough. From start to finish, they provided exceptional service, demonstrating a level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication that far exceeded my expectations.

Thanks again

Amy W.
June 12, 2024

The team is incredibly knowledgeable about the local market, offering insightful advice and guidance at every step. Whether you’re buying or selling, they take the time to truly understand your needs, ensuring a personalized experience that feels both seamless and stress-free.

Thank you

June 18, 2024

Communication was a standout feature – the agents were always available 24/7 to answer questions, provide updates, and offer support, making sure I felt confident and informed throughout the entire process. They went above and beyond, handling everything from staging and marketing to negotiations, always acting in my best interest.

Monroe T.
June 21, 2024

What truly sets them apart is their passion for real estate and genuine care for their clients. It’s clear that they’re not just interested in closing deals, but in building long-term relationships based on trust and satisfaction. If you’re looking for a real estate team that delivers results with a personal touch, look no further than IMMOBILIARE WEHNER.

Bertina S.
July 25, 2024

Thank you for making my experience so smooth and rewarding! I will for sure, work with you again in the future.

Berry Victoria
July 30, 2024

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